May 25, 2021 IRL – It is an Acronym for IN REAL LIFE

May 25, 2021
Blog Episode 25
IRL – It is an Acronym for IN REAL LIFE
Most of us have heard of URL when it comes to the World Wide Web. It stands for Universal or Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is what helps you find a website online on Google, Bing or any other search locators.
I am sure there are other acronyms for IRL but I chose to this one for today. IRL – IN REAL LIFE. Although next week is the Indy 500 and in racing that stands for Indy Racing League.
IRL stands for “in real life.” When people use it online, it often refers to their identity and life outside the internet, such as their day-to-day job and nearby social circle.
IRL helps the online community know that you are not referring to your online persona which many have developed over the years.
While I know Influencers online exist and that it is a thing, a very profitable thing for some, they are an example of who might use the term IRL often to distinguish between what they are trying to put out into the world online vs what they do with their smaller circle in person.
Even if you are a person who barely uses a computer or is more of an observer in person, IRL may apply. Going out into society has degrees of what persona we share with those we come into contact with. Even people we are close to. To be transparent, authentic and open (TAO – thank you Martha for teaching me the acronym) is not an easy thing to do. Especially consistently.
It is easier to hold back, some even tell white lies or twist the truth to fit their circumstances. We know online versions of identity tend to show the good stuff and rarely share the hard things or bad. When it is done “in real life”, we have to ask ourselves why.
We talk a good game about tolerance, forgiveness, inclusion and sometimes we even come thru and do all that. It doesn’t have to be a concept; it can be an actual occurrence that is life changing once you begin. Imagine society doing that every single time with each other. Like they say, our neighbor is our brother, our sister.
It is fascinating that it is so hard for most of us to be our authentic selves 100% of the time. Wouldn’t it be interested to find the people that start an idea that everyone knocks themselves out to follow vs going down their own path. What makes someone so powerful that others are ready to give up on who they are? Are we dipping into the seven deadly sins perhaps of greed, envy, sloth, pride, lust, anger, and gluttony?
Being true to our nature would probably solve a large percentage of our problems because we would have the strong foundation of truth always on our side. Hard things, bad things – they still happen.
But our coping. Oh wow. The bounce back when we are living our truth is exponential and many cases almost miracle like. When we see stories of redemption, it is because they are being honest with themselves and doing the work. When we see stories of compassion and inspiration, it is because they are being transparent and doing the work. When we see stories of good natured people doing great things, it is because they are being open with their hearts by sharing and caring.
There isn’t a magical formula “IN REAL LIFE’ but there is truth that can never be taken away. Sure, it is fun to see people’s Instagram (IG) or go on Pinterest and dream of adventure, fun experiences, or follow influencers that appear to have it easy. They all don’t by the way. It is an actual job for some and they take it very seriously in their circle. Outsiders may find it shallow but it is probably one of the (for lack of a better word) most influential sales job and high powered sales people around. If the idea is to sell yourself by promoting 24/7, well, there is no denying that they are doing that.
But we still don’t know how they really feel when they are alone at home or what makes them sad or scared or any other emotion.
Even when we follow our own friends online, we don’t always have that information about them either. Of course we put our best persona online. In a way, it is almost as if someone is saying it is the polite thing to do because we are tired of the In Real Life bad news. Be a caricature of yourself and be funny, be charming, be charismatic, be beautiful (filter city out there), be smart (reposting everything found on Google) be over the top of who you really are.
We know that tweens and teens, even later ages have struggled with peer pressure unlike any time in history. There is professional help and I hope everyone seeks it.
Coaching is not that type of therapy. However, coaching does help you to become more comfortable with your authentic self. It will provide space to distinguish between your online persona and your IRL’s best self with honesty, transparency and authenticity.
Coaching does get to the heart of the matter so you can move forward with the best foundation possible, to cope, to grow, to feel safe within your own mind, spirit and body. In real life, that brings influence over yourself to meet your goals and dreams that you are destined for.
For more information contact me at:
or to schedule a coaching session:…/practice-one-on-one-with-coach
Our sessions will be on Zoom or over the phone.
Shine your light thru the Lighthouse Window to navigate to fulfilled dreams.
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