silhouette of tree near body of water during golden hour

June 1, 2021 Synergy Solutions

June 1, 2021

Blog Episode 32

Synergy Solutions

Synergy – what does that mean exactly?  After a few reviews online and Wikipedia, I am going to mesh some of them together.

Working together – Synergy describes when multiple elements of a system work together to create the common good.  Together, a greater effect combined then the sum of each alone.

When I think of synergism as working together in this context, the synonyms of collaboration, teamwork, combined effort and joint action really speak to what coaching is.  Together, we create a new understanding of things going on in your life.

We are able to brainstorm together coming up with solutions that you can take to do your work.

As your coach, you can think of me as a liaison in a safe space to hold your thoughts while we chip away at each limiting belief that you have.

Most days we live and try to do things on our own.   But when you get to the point where overwhelm is constantly taking over.  When you watch others appear as if they are figuring it out, either with luck or a confidence puzzle like a Rubic’s Cube that still doesn’t make sense, having a life coach helps to take away some of that anxiety.

Clearing up the mysteries that your own self talk holds back from you is something we can do together.

Sometimes just a person to listen so you can sort out all the pieces brings new insight.  No judgment, no telling you it has to be this way or you will never succeed.   But learning the tools that empower you and bring new awareness.   Synergy solutions is a way to reach a greater effect that will elevate your starting point.

Each day we climb our mountains.   We can climb alone but having others with us to guide us, to assist us, to look after us sure can make it easier to get to the mountaintop in one piece and cut down the time it might have taken us otherwise.

When we look at nature, everything seems isolated and is its own entity.  To a point that is true.  But we have also learned how everything is connected like tree roots underground connecting to other trees.   When we think of community and family, there is a lot that needs fixing but when it is good, it creates a synergy system solution that takes the whole to new levels.  

We are better together in this world because support is just that.  SUPPORT.   Our failures become fewer, our comebacks become stronger, our successes become enriched by the processes and the ability to share teaches us the lessons of love, caring and empathy.

When we work for the common good of all, each of us have an opportunity to create Synergy Energy and that allows the world to heal a lot faster.   Good prevails because everyone had the best the world offered.   Each other.

For more information contact me at:

[email protected].

or to schedule a coaching session:…/practice-one-on-one-with-coach

Our sessions will be on Zoom or over the phone.

Shine your light thru the Lighthouse Window to navigate to fulfilled dreams. 

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