May 28, 2021
Blog Episode 28
I am watching Ellen whose guest was Glennon Doyle who authored the book Untamed. She told her story of when she was in her 20s and was a recovering alcoholic. This is when her sister encouraged her to write to get her thoughts on paper (or computer). After twenty years of writing, she has definitely given us a lot to think about.
It is interesting that writing goes in such phases. Sometimes we are in a phase where we just can’t get our thoughts written down fast enough and other times we get that infamous writer’s block.
As a life coach and working on my craft of writing, I am always curious what questions get you to pondering when I think of writing a blog or anything else for the public.
I am a big believer that asking questions, and better yet, asking the right questions leads to more self reflection.
Self reflection leads to development of turtle steps, overcoming obstacles and living a life with purpose and priority.
Think topics are fun. So much that industries are born like the TV Game show Jeopardy or the board game Trivial Pursuit. There is a reason that people like factoids. Curiosity is essential to help us learn, pursue new endeavors and to grow.
Deep questions.
Self reflective questions.
Provocative questions.
Challenging questions.
Are there things in life that you question that help you to challenge yourself and grow?
Are there thoughts in how to proceed but you end up feeling stuck?
When we are young or learning about journalism, the main questions of WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY and HOW are staples in preparing think topics. As a life coach, you will hear me start many of my questions in our sessions with these starters.
If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make it all better?
If you had a whole day to yourself with no interaction with anyone else, you had to leave your home and money was no object – what is the first thing you want to go do?
What in life feels like a deep question?
In the upcoming weeks and months I will ask questions that I hope you will share your comments. Knowing what is important to you eventually shares the common themes that all of us go thru.
Think topics allow us to build community. It is the first step in a think tank to make improvements for ourselves by knowing what is unique to us and what we have in common. This fall on my Lighthouse 11 podcast, we will have a feature for think topics and I would really like to know what you the listener want to know more about that will help you live the life that takes the sharp point of the blade and turns it into the strong, fierce tool to be resourceful.
or to schedule a coaching session:…/practice-one-on-one-with-coach…
Our sessions will be on Zoom or over the phone.
Shine your light thru the Lighthouse Window to navigate to fulfilled dreams.